Cooking In Stilettos...
Sunday, March 23, 2008 Tastebook - How I Heart Thee...

A couple months ago, I learned about the lovely site that is known as TasteBook.

See, if you are a cookbook fanatic like me, there sometimes isn't enough room for all the lovely cookbooks one encounters. Or, perhaps, you have recipes that you use that you found online, but cooking via a laptop isn't always convenient when counterspace is at a premium (as I found out tonight).

TasteBook houses your favorite recipes, both oldies and new finds, recipes from some of your fave chefs like Nigella, Giada, Bobby Flay, etc. and sites like Epicurious, Self and Gourmet, in one convenient site. Each tailored cookbook is in a binder with 100 recipes and it will be printed just for you - tailored with your choice cover and your title.

My first cookbook was Cooking With Style - the next on its way to me is, what else, but Cooking In Stilettos. Would you expect anything else of yours truly - thought so. So, if you want to make a cookbook that is ultimately for you - why not check out and then you can make some serious magic in the kitchen.

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