Cooking In Stilettos...
Tuesday, November 25, 2008 Out With The Old. In With The New...

My pantry has been severely neglected. Those closest to me know that work has been kickin' me into overdrive and cooking and I have been estranged. Part of the reason for the cooking pause has been, quite simply, this nightmare of a pantry. To find something means some serious expeditions to find that one elusive ingredient as it hasn't been organized in forever. Not to mention, the lighting in my kitchen has been horrid but since the complex finally fixed (and broke) the overhead light on the super high ceiling, I figured I had no more excuses to avoid the pantry from hell.

I always joke that for me to feel "at home" I need a fully stocked pantry and fridge and anyone who comes into my home knows that if we need something, we've got it. However, I got sick of the clutter and decided rather than shove everything in the pantry, I'd take inventory and clean out what was old, expired or just never would be used.

Check out the AFTER pic.

Yeah, I'm just as shocked as you. My trash man, however, will want my head on a stake. There's still work to be done, but I figured that was a good start to change. Now I need to get to cooking.

What are your pantry staples that you MUST have no matter what?

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