Cooking In Stilettos...
Sunday, January 25, 2009 AeroGarden: Week 1...

I have to admit that when I go through my cooking spurts, fresh herbs are a must. However, at the current prices, I can easily spend $15 weekly just on stuff like Italian Parsley, Basil, Rosemary and so on. And, to boot, I have been putting off replanting the AeroGarden for some time. I bought the AeroGarden a couple years ago and haven't used it as often as I should. It's beyond simple to use - just add the nutrients when they tell you to and the AeroGarden does all the heavy lifting.

I finally bit the bullet and planted a round of the Gourmet Herbs: Italian Parsley, Chives, Thyme, Italian Basil, Dill, Mint and Purple Basil. I figure that if I'm really going to start finding ways to save some money, I might as well spend the $$ for a seed kit that will give me 6 mo. worth of herbs and keep my herb buying to a minimum.

So, here's the pic of a freshly planted garden - week 1. What will Week 2, 3 and 4 bring I wonder.

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